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Nevada State Science Teachers Association

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Nevada Communities Offering Networking aNd Education: Connecting Teachers and expertS

The Nevada CONNECTS Project is a state-wide program, partnering the Nevada State Science Teachers Association (NSSTA), all three regions of the Regional Professional Development Programs (RPDPs), the Clark County School District (CCSD), regional STEM Professionals as Subject-Matter-Experts (SMEs), and teachers from multiple school districts across the state. 

The goal of Nevada CONNECTS is to create a set of science standards aligned, locally-based, performance tasks for every grade, K-12, by partnering educators with SMEs. These performance tasks will be available, licensed under Creative Commons 4.0 BY-NC, as examples of NGSS-designed assessment tasks that teachers will be able to use and adapt as needed for their students.

Phase I of the project was completed in June 2021.  The Professional Learning Material can be found now. The initial field-test versions of the tasks will be posted in the late summer 2021. 

Nevada State Science Teachers Association
P.O. Box 90761

Henderson, NV 89009 

The Nevada State Science Teachers Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and an official chapter of the National Science Teaching Association.

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