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Nevada State Science Teachers Association

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You be the Chemist Challenge

Wednesday, September 28, 2022 3:03 PM | Catherine Connolly (Administrator)

We know you're passionate about promoting science education and so are we! Let's work together to promote the You Be The Chemist Challenge®, our fun, FREE STEM competition!

Students in grades 5-8 work in teams of 3-4 and compete either virtually or in person, with a chance to participate in the National Challenge in Houston, Texas where they will build their passion for chemistry, interact with leaders in the industry, and compete for SCHOLARSHIPS!

Registration for the You Be The Chemist Challenge opens on
October 3, with PARENTS AND TEACHERS able to access our FREE study resources! To learn more about the Challenge please visit If you would like to get involved and learn more about the challenge and CEF's work then please feel free to email us at

Nevada State Science Teachers Association
P.O. Box 90761

Henderson, NV 89009

The Nevada State Science Teachers Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and an official chapter of the National Science Teaching Association.

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