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Nevada State Science Teachers Association

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Zion National Park Teacher Ranger Teacher

Tuesday, May 24, 2022 6:26 AM | OPEN Executive Director (Administrator)

Zion National Park in Springdale, UT is looking for a Teacher Ranger Teacher for the summer. They are specifically looking for middle and/or high school teachers. 

Here is the link to explain more about the TRT program, The National Parks Service | Teacher Ranger Teacher Program

The Zion National Park cohort is July 10 - August 20, 2022. 

There are THREE requirements for all participants in the TRT program:  

  1. A minimum of 160 hours of service to your National Park site.  
  2. Successful completion of the graduate course: TRT Field Experience: Place-Based Education on Public Lands 
    1. This is a three-credit hour class, which requires 45 contact hours. Graduate course guidelines indicate that for each contact hour, 2-3 hours of readings and activities are typical. Most of these additional hours are achieved through the TRTs National Park, but TRTs should plan on 3-4 hours per week for course readings, assignments, and discussions.  
  3. Register for the 3.0 graduate credits (Pass/Fail) through CU Denver:  Cohort 2: August 26th deadline  

*Failure to meet any of the deadlines above will result in forfeiture of your $3000 summer stipend.  

Any folks that are interested please have them contact Amanda Rowland

Amanda j. D. Rowland 

Program Manager Interpretation and Visitor Services

Public Information Officer

Zion National Park

State Highway Route 9

Springdale, UT 84767

Office: 435-772-0160

Cell: 435-619-1583

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Nevada State Science Teachers Association
P.O. Box 90761

Henderson, NV 89009

The Nevada State Science Teachers Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and an official chapter of the National Science Teaching Association.

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