BSCS Science Learning seeks teacher collaborators for a research project funded by the National Science Foundation. The Climate Education Pathways project is a collaboration between BSCS Science Learning, Oregon Public Broadcasting (OPB), and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Our project aims to enhance teaching and learning of climate change for high school science and we are recruiting high school biology, earth science, and environmental science teachers to take part in our project. Teacher-collaborators will field test a 6-8 week digital high school science unit about climate and biology developed for the NGSS. Teachers will be supported in localizing the unit for their students and community. Teachers who are a part of the field test have the opportunity to be paid up to $2,700 over the course of 1.5 years (January 2023-May 2024). For more information and to apply to secure your spot in the project, please visit