Calling all 6th-12th grade educators Launch your ideas to new heights this year in the NASA TechRise Student Challenge! Students across the nation between 6th-12th grade can compete to launch technology and research payloads on NASA-supported commercial suborbital flights! From remote sensing and climate research to microgravity experiments and technologies to explore the Moon, schools are invited to join NASA in its mission to advance space exploration and enhance our knowledge of Earth. Teachers are invited to pre-register today to stay informed and receive TechRise content, including curricula, summer workshops(see below), and events as they become available. This week, on July 28 OR August 11 you can dive into the basics of electronics , coding , and designing for flight in the NASA TechRise Student Challenge, Educator Summer Workshops. Space is limited, RSVP to save your spot!
Nevada State Science Teachers AssociationP.O. Box 90761
Henderson, NV 89009
The Nevada State Science Teachers Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and an official chapter of the National Science Teaching Association.
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