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Nevada State Science Teachers Association

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Southern Nevada ACS K-12 Illustrated Poem Contest

Monday, April 05, 2021 2:53 PM | Virginia Chandler (Administrator)

The Southern Nevada local section of the American Chemical Society would like to invite all K-12th-grade students to participate in the 2021 illustrated poem contest.  All submissions will need to be uploaded online directly through the ACS website and a media release is part of the submission process.  Please see the attached flyer for all details. Entries due 4/25/21.


Note, when students are submitting their entry, they will need to include parent, teacher and school information.  The local section (required part of entry form) is SOUTHERN NEVADA 

If you have any questions, please reach out to Dr. Erica J. Marti at

Nevada State Science Teachers Association
P.O. Box 90761

Henderson, NV 89009

The Nevada State Science Teachers Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and an official chapter of the National Science Teaching Association.

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