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Nevada State Science Teachers Association

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Engineers Week

Tuesday, February 23, 2021 5:30 PM | Virginia Chandler (Administrator)

Please see message below about Engineers Week from Horrocks Engineers

February 21-27 is Engineers Week, which is an annual opportunity to celebrate the contribution of engineers and spread awareness among educators, parents, and students about the importance of STEM careers. 


In honor of Engineers Week, our team at Horrocks Engineers has created a kid-friendly video series that explores simple engineering concepts through everyday questions. Although we would love to volunteer or present in local schools, communities to encourage students to explore STEM, we recognize that opportunities might be limited this year due to COVID-19. Please consider this video series our contribution to inspire the engineers of tomorrow and share it with your educators if you think it would be valuable to them. Linked below are additional resources to learn more about Engineers Week with activities for students. 

Best wishes, and happy Engineers Week! 

Krupa Desai

Click Here to Watch Our First Imagining Tomorrow Video! 
We will be posting a new video each day throughout Engineers Week on our Youtube channel, so please stay tuned!

For more information about Engineers Week, please visit the following links:

About Engineers Week 

Engineers Week Activity Ideas 



Krupa Desai, 
Communications Specialist

1401 N. Green Valley Pkwy, Suite 160 
Henderson, Nevada 89074



Nevada State Science Teachers Association
P.O. Box 90761

Henderson, NV 89009

The Nevada State Science Teachers Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and an official chapter of the National Science Teaching Association.

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